Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6


Thursday, March 8, 2012


So, I kind of stink at the whole blogging thing!  I think I have about 3 or 4 entries saved but never published! So, I decided it was time to show a few things that we have been up to these last few weeks! 

Several weeks ago my sweet, sweet friends threw a shower for us!  It was absolutely perfect.  Lots of blue, and more blue and camo!  It really was such a blessing to see people celebrating with us the soon-arrival of Robel!  My sweet, sweet friends who threw the shower seemed to be camera shy so I don't even have pictures of us together, but we did got lots of other shots!
Me and the girls...They were so excited!
Cute decorations!  Pictures of Robel...What could be any cuter?

Julie and Lynette ( hostesses) playing the game!  We all hate games but this was pretty fun! 

Sara and Nana


Robel's 3 mama's...poor boy! The girls were opening gifts faster than I could keep track. It was so fun watching them celebrate with all of us!

And last, but not least, Bob's favorite gift!  GI Joe and True Heroes Ranger Michaels...That's Daddy Soldier and Robel Soldier! 

On February 23rd, our file was submitted to the Embassy!  This is the final step in the adoption process.  More waiting ensues but we had passed that hurdle and now we are officially awaiting news from the Embassy to be cleared so that "our dude" can come home!  In the wake of that news, Bob became quite motivated!  He painted Roby's room, put the furniture together, hung curtains, and began playing with toys.  Yes, you heard that correctly.  The picture will explain...
Disclaimer:  More pictures to come.  This is NOT the final look!

February turned out to be a pretty great month.  Even through all the waiting, which really stinks, we have had fun as a family, we got involved in a small-group from church, the kids are doing great and we are getting ready for our baby to come home!  

1 comment:

  1. Hello Thomas Family!
    Congratulations on being submitted to the Embassy! That is a HUGE step! We worked with Gladney to bring our son home from Ethiopia in August. I still remember the waiting and the crazy process very vividly!

    I am wondering if you would be able to email me as we are looking for a family to deliver something to our driver (Solomon). My email is beckylee123 (at) comcast (dot) net.

